TV Cream

TV: B is for...

Battlestar Galactica

GOD TOOK a back seat for this Star Wars re-hash, complete with cylons, the ace John Dykstra’s effects, Bonanza’s LORNE GREENE, a bastard hateful child and his asthmatic robot dog Moxie or Muffet , and of course DIRK BENEDICT, later to evince early ’80s postmodernism with the “Cylon incident” in the A-Team credit sequence. Good stuff, until they found Earth and PATRICK STEWART in Galactica 1980.



  1. Johnnyboy

    June 22, 2009 at 12:27 am

    ….and resurrected again to become the most talked about (and arguably best) Sci-Fi reboot in TV history.

  2. paulus - Bangkok

    July 16, 2009 at 4:33 pm

    Couldn’t agree more on the re-boot. EXCELLENT!
    The original was still great… when you are 7.
    I yearned after a ‘viper pilot jacket’ that was for sale in ‘Fangora’ magazine, but never had the budget (or the know how on ordering it from the USofA… GASP).
    It’s Galac-tastic!

  3. borgduck

    May 24, 2014 at 1:29 pm

    “Best SCI-FI reboot in TV history?”, unlikely. That honour goes to Doctor Who. I prefer the classic Galactica,(minus Galactica 80,of course!). Hence owning the box-set of the all the so few episodes.

  4. Choo-Choo the Cat

    November 4, 2022 at 12:56 pm

    Just to make clear, it wasn’t *that* Patrick Stewart they got later (i.e. Jean-Luc Picard).

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