Friday, 24th October 1980 PICK OF THE DAY 7.55pm ANGELS, BBC1 Perhaps one of the greatest BBC drama title sequences of all...
It seems South London has forever existed on screen as a “gritty”, downbeat and generally pity-garnering backdrop for tales of poverty, crime...
By Jim Hawkins and Horace Ove. Account of the 1975 Spaghetti House Siege, when three black men held up a Knightsbridge Italian...
By Barrie Keeffe. The author of Gotcha! and self-styled writer of plays aimed at “people who wouldn’t be seen dead in a...
By Peter Prince. Comic study of a court case awaiting hearing, with Richard Beckinsale as a solicitor’s clerk acting for his sick...
"A HOUSE. With a door! Windows, 1, 2, 3, 4."
"WATCH ME on the video," went the wholly unrelated theme: not the best warning of what was to come
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