Watches specially designed for ‘her’, we can understand. But pens? Well, in those far off days when writing things out by hand was something people did on a regular basis, if you didn’t have a platinum-coated retractable roller-ball with a little golden clasp at the top nestling in the breast pocket of your lounge suit, you weren’t fit to take your place among the ranks of the go-ahead classes. But while a big, chunky, jewel-encrusted affair was fine for those deal-making men of affairs, what about the ladies? Parker to the rescue, with a range of pens slimmer and somehow more ‘genteel’, as demonstrated by Penelope Keith in a fictional ladies’ finishing school, recommending it as the ideal implement with which to sign massive cheques for jewellery, handbags, etc.
Parker Lady Pen, The
Posted on
December 19, 2010 at 1:14 am
Think the amount she signed on the cheque was for 1 million pounds (only). Nice, round number to go with, I suppose.