I want to say a) Tony Blackburn, but I suspect that’s too obvious (just as pub quiz nerds like my dad will gleefully point out that the first track on Radio 1 wasn’t ‘Flowers in the Rain’, but ‘Theme One’)…
I have a feeling that Radio Five Live might be Johnnie Walker.
Radio One is obviously not Tony Blackburn, unless we’re being really pedantic, or the person singing “National Radio Oneeee….” is now really famous.
And if it’s not, the question would be, when did ‘Radio One’ start, and was the ‘handover’ bit with the head of the channel broadcast on the new ‘Radio Two’ as well?
May 29, 2008 at 11:14 pm
is b) Jane Garvey?
Matthew Rudd
May 30, 2008 at 3:37 am
a) Tony Blackburn
b) Hmmm, either Trev or Simon, not sure which
c) Was this Jane Garvey?
May 30, 2008 at 12:52 pm
Was a) not Robin Scott, Radio 1 first controller ?
May 30, 2008 at 6:42 pm
I want to say a) Tony Blackburn, but I suspect that’s too obvious (just as pub quiz nerds like my dad will gleefully point out that the first track on Radio 1 wasn’t ‘Flowers in the Rain’, but ‘Theme One’)…
Was b) Bruno Brookes?
June 2, 2008 at 10:43 am
I have a feeling that Radio Five Live might be Johnnie Walker.
Radio One is obviously not Tony Blackburn, unless we’re being really pedantic, or the person singing “National Radio Oneeee….” is now really famous.
And if it’s not, the question would be, when did ‘Radio One’ start, and was the ‘handover’ bit with the head of the channel broadcast on the new ‘Radio Two’ as well?
Ian Jones
June 3, 2008 at 9:48 pm
I’m saying:
a) was Robin Scott, that bloke who went “standby for switching, Radio 1, Radio 2, go!”
b) was Bruno Bungalow Brookes
c) was Jane Garvey