That was Derek Griffiths downing a celebratory glass of Vimto as the printing press whirls on The Burst of Creamup! What is The Burst of Creamup? It’s a 139-page compendium of bits from TV Cream’s mostly dead ‘e-mag’, bits sent out to readers over 92 progs between 2001 and 2008.
As Creamup was the work of various folk, all contributing for free, this vanity-press, perfect-bound book is being offered via Lulu at a no-profit margin price of £2.94 (plus their p&p charge). Yes, if you make a purchase, you can rest assured not even Steve Berry is making any money. Here’s the link to buy it on Lulu.
However, you might not even want to do that. You might just want to download the whole thing for free right now in PDF format. And you’re very welcome to do so. It’s 8 meg in size and the link (tell your friends, tell your enemies, tells Marksplace) is:
Hope you enjoy the thing – and a huge thanks to all Creamup contributors and readers over the years. Tim “TJ” Worthington is, right now, working on a summer special…
With that chilling thought left hanging, below is a Lulu preview of the book. Don’t be put off by the seemingly terrible resolution here, though. We can assure you in reality it is lovely.
Ian Sparham
April 24, 2014 at 7:49 pm
Fame at last.