FEMALE VENTRILOQUIST no longer with us who garned her own variety specials on the strength of the over-cute Lamp Chop: a knitted sheep which spoke in a small voice with hideously contorted woollen mouthshapes. Second banana and dual druggy pun was Charlie Horse. Dated very quickly indeed.
Shari Lewis Show, The
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Lee James Turnock
May 1, 2010 at 12:55 pm
Amazing to think they got a whole series out of one joke – a lamb that was probably stoned. Innocent times.
THX 1139
February 1, 2018 at 3:28 pm
I just remember this being incredibly slow and Lamb Chop taking ages to say anything/get to the point. For some reason my mum knitted me a Lamb Chop puppet out of a magazine pattern. Didn’t get a lot of use.