
Scarf ace

Wednesday, February 1, 2006 by

Monday. Monday’s are great. On Monday I spent 45 minutes with Tom Baker interviewing him for work. It was lots and lots of fun, with the grand old man of Who looking no different from when he signed my book in 1997 (or thereabouts).
When I arrived he declared: “Jesus, that’s some scarf!” in reference to the stringy blue and green thing I got for free from UKTV the Christmas before last. “Looks like a real strangler”. Then, he spent the interview regaling me with stories, and insisting I eat some fruit from the platter in front of him. “Cor, what’s that? Looks like mango!”.

At the end, as I was leaving, he boomed: “Now, you’ve got to get rid of that fucking scarf.”

Then came Tuesday, wherein I arrived at my desk to find – something of a rarity – a message on my voicemail. It was from Tom’s PR .

“After Tom’s comments about your scarf,” she said, “he’s decided that you absolutely must have the scarf that we used – which is like his Doctor Who scarf – when we did some photos with him.”

Tuesdays are great too.*

*And so are Wednesdays – the scarf, and it’s a bloody big one – arrived at just before 4pm. I’m wearing it right now.


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