This overly convoluted but nonetheless heavily similar melodrama to The Wicked Lady, precedes said film by two years and is lauded as...
As parodied in the Blackadder the Third episode Amy and Amiability, where Miranda Richardson is the highwaywoman, this 1940s film starring the...
“Gooooot a whale of a tale to tell you lads, a whale of a tale or two-oo…” Kirk ‘snails’ Douglas steals the...
Wounded IRA gang leader James Mason ducks in and out of the streets of Belfast one night, meeting drunken painter Robert Newton,...
If you’ll forgive us a shallow observation about a cinematic giant, what was it with Carol Reed and the word “Man”? As...
This isn’t the Cushing/McClure Edgar Rice Burroughs adaptation At The Earth’s Core (the one with those pterodactyl things that made a backwards...
Top quality swinging social comment, as a floppy Lynn Redgrave stumbles about in awe of loose and louche flatmate Charlotte Rampling, lusts...
“More plausible now than it was in the late seventies,” reckons the Radio Times, barometer of international technological advancement. Gregory Peck, Sir...
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