It was inevitable that the sexploitation industry would eventually turn their attention to Bond spoofery. Pete Walker adapted raunchy Daily Mail cartoon strip Tiffany Jones for the big screen, with Anouska Hempel as the eponymous wide-eyed fashion model finding herself wooed by the dictator of a made-up Eastern Bloc country as well as its displaced Crown Prince who’s out to overthrow the former, with the standard arms deal MacGuffin floating about somewhere. It’s nominally a comedy romp, but Walker, no comic director at the best of times, is on auto-pilot, and the plot is an imagination-starved bore – Comedy foreign accents and cross-dressing are the order of the day. The ‘highlight’ in this fiercely unmemorable mess is a scantily-clad Hempel being captured by a gang of Marxist chefs and whipped with strands of spaghetti. It feels like a sad hangover from the old ‘dolly bird in jeopardy’ days rather than a working pastiche.
Tiffany Jones
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