Hey, science can be sexy, too! And the nightclub of the future wouldn’t be complete without a cloud of dry ice through which a flickering blue laser is shone, giving a sort of fluorescent ‘cloud tunnel effect which is rather impressive for about ten seconds after you see it, then hopelessly tacky for ever after. Naturally, Peter Stringfellow bought a dozen, and leftovers found their way into the special effects of rubbish time-travelling aircraft carrier saga The Final Countdown, posh kids’ sci-fi drama Chocky and hopeless summer morning ‘space quiz’ Starstrider.
Dry Ice Laser Light Tunnel, The
Posted on
August 11, 2009 at 9:30 am
Don’t forget, the video for the 1979 Sheila B Devotion hit ‘Spacer’ featured laser & dry ice big time (I suspect the picture in the article is a still from said video)
October 5, 2009 at 3:11 pm
Genesis were, I think, the first band to use this effect during it’s ‘Wind & Wuthering’ tour. Mesmerizing.
Lee James Turnock
July 20, 2010 at 3:32 pm
The Who (and their lighting man, Wiggy Woolf) had a laser rig that included the dry ice laser light tunnel, used to fabulous effect in the closing performance of ‘Won’t Get Fooled Again’ in their 1979 film ‘the Kids are Alright’. Yes, it still looks fantastic decades later.