TV Cream

TV: V is for...

Van der Valk

DUTCH POLICE inspector played by BARRY FOSTER in a coat, but no-one cared about that. Number one catchy/irritating theme “Eye Level” was what dug hooks into the memory, courtesy of The Simon Park Orchestra.



  1. Paul

    June 9, 2014 at 1:59 am

    Like many programmes I grew up with I cared very little for the content but simply watched for the theme tune. I still have no idea what this show was about but can happily hum you the theme along with Street hawk, Airwolf, Cosmos, Wattoo Wattoo, Ulysses 31, Sorry! etc etc

  2. Richardpd

    May 29, 2023 at 4:54 pm

    I caught most of an episode on Talking Pictures TV last night, which was very quiet for a Bank Holiday sunday.

    Quite talky without much actual action, & a bizarre performance as a hippy drug dealer.

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