TV Cream

TV: S is for...

Strange Affair of Adelaide Harris, The

TWO VICTORIAN boys carelessly leave baby sister (Adelaide) in an orphanage in Georgian-era Brighton, in the hands of a boffiny, know-all boy in stripy trousers and a top hat. They then carelessly spend several weeks trying to get her back. FREDDIE JONES is on hand to shout and point and wave a gouty leg (called “Boot”) at all and sundry. One scene featured a play being performed to a load of old straw-stuffed dummies who promptly came to life, scaring all five-year-old viewers shitless.



  1. Simnock

    March 1, 2011 at 1:41 pm

    Victorian boys in georgian era Brighton?

  2. Dristarg

    August 14, 2014 at 2:52 pm

    I hate to nitpick, but that last sentence refers to ‘The Story of the Treasure Seekers’.

  3. Ben Murphy

    September 23, 2015 at 11:49 pm

    I loved this serial, and went on to read the book, which is extremely amusing and deserves to be better known. The boys do not leave the baby in an orphanage, they leave her in a field, hoping that a vixen will come and suckle her. Instead, she is found by the daughter of their maths teacher, who is out for a walk with the headmaster’s son. This is the start of a brilliant farce – everyone selfishly pursuing their own interests, some more sympathetic than others. No straw dummies come to life, guaranteed.

  4. Dom Mcc

    June 30, 2016 at 4:11 am

    I hate to nitpick but that last sentence actually referes to The Enchanted Castle and not The Treasure seekers!:D

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