THESE DAYS better known as top showbiz agent and ex-Mr Anthea Turner, but once to all intents and purposes the Mark Goodier of his day; ‘fresh-faced’, uncontroversial, well-appointed hairstyle, liked to nurture new bands (“here’s a great new single from a band I think are going to be huge, this is Level 42!”). Highly inventive trademark features included Five 45s at 5.45 – wherein he would play five 45s, at 5:45 – and the phone-in quiz Record Race, in which listeners had to identify songs from their intros. You had to make your own entertainment in those days.
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Glenn Aylett
June 23, 2009 at 6:38 pm
Really came into his own on the weekend breakfast show in 1984, finally laying to rest Junior Choice and children’s novelty records which most of the target audience didn’t want to hear. The pop panel and Powell’s principled stand against refusing to play singles where the B side was an instrumental of the A side as he considered it a rip off always went down well. I met him at a soaking wet, freezing roadshow at Seaton Carew and even the North Eastern summer didn’t dampen his spirits.
Joanne Gray
March 30, 2017 at 1:15 pm
The only thing notable about Peter Powell was that he was a dead ringer for the guy who played Mr Sutcliffe in Grange Hill.